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Metanx is a medical food that consists of special forms of vitamin B that the body can easily utilize to repair damage from diabetic neuropathy or endothelial dysfunction. Metanx is cur

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About Metanx

What is Metanx?

Metanx is classified as a medical food. A medical food is specially formulated to nutritionally manage a disease under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Metanx is made up of metabolically active forms of vitamin B, including vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. Some people’s bodies are not able to process these forms of vitamin B and convert them to their active states which are pyridoxal 5-phosphate, methylcobalamin, and L-methylfolate, respectively. To put it simply, these individuals cannot convert vitamin B to its useful forms, and therefore regular vitamin B has no effect on their bodies. Metanx is specifically prescribed to treat people with hyperhomocysteinemia (vitamin B deficiency), endothelial dysfunction, and diabetic neuropathy. Once the patient begins to supplement with Metanx, the body is able to use the nutrients that it needs. Many patients with diabetic neuropathy have restricted blood flow to the nerves which can result in a nutrition deficiency. Also, many diabetes medications inhibit the absorption of vitamin B. Metanx works by reversing oxidative-nitrostative stress, resulting in vasodilation and improved circulation, allowing these nutrients to repair peripheral nerve damage.


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